Spherical Triangles Equations

BlogAdvanced AstrologyMathematics of the Celestial SphereSpherical Geometry
Spherical Triangles Equations

Feb. 18, 2023, 8:52 a.m. Mark Rusborn 3 min. to read

This article will derive fundamental equations for a spherical triangle. These equations express the ratio between the angles and curved sides of the triangle drawn on a celestial sphere. We will need these formulas for calculating the primary directions.


Consider a right-angled triangle on a sphere with sides $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$, as well as interior angles $A$, $B$, and $C$.

How will its sides and angles be related to each other?

spherical triangle
Fig. 1 - Spherical triangle.

Rotated Coordinate Systems

First, we introduce a cartesian vector $\vec{v}$ in $XYZ$ coordinate system.

Vector v
Fig. 2 - Vector $\vec{v}$.

From the conversion equation (1) it follows that $\vec{v}$ has coordinates

$$ \vec{v} = \left( \begin{aligned} & x = R\cos\beta \\ & y = 0 \\ & z = R\sin\beta \end{aligned} \right) $$

Now, let's use the rotation matrix to rotate $XYZ$ by angle $\alpha$ and express this vector in $\grave{X}\grave{Y}\grave{Z}$ axis. As a result, we have the following:

$$ \begin{aligned} \vec{v} & = R \cos\alpha \cos\beta~ \grave{\vec{X}} \\ & - R \sin\alpha \cos\beta~ \grave{\vec{Y}} \\ & + R\sin\beta~ \grave{\vec{Z}} \\ \end{aligned} $$

But on the other hand, the same $\grave{x}$ component of the vector $\vec{v}$ is just a projection of that vector to the $\grave{X}$-axis in the $\gamma$-angle plane.

spherical triangle
Fig. 3 - Projection on $\grave{X}$-axis.

$$ v_{\grave{x}} = R\cos{\gamma} $$

It gives us the first equation:

$$ \cos\gamma = \cos\alpha\cos\beta\tag{1} $$

Now we move to the next step and introduce a new coordinate system $\tilde{X}\tilde{Y}\tilde{Z}$, which is $\grave{X}\grave{Y}\grave{Z}$, rotated by angle $-B$ (minus B) in $\grave{Y}\grave{Z}$ plane.

New coordinate system
Fig. 4 - New coordinate system.

If we apply rotation matrix to $\grave{X}\grave{Y}\grave{Z}$ coordinate system, we will have a $\tilde{z}$-component of the vector $\vec{v}$ to be equal to

$$ \begin{aligned} \tilde{z} & = \sin B~ v_{\grave{y}} + \cos B~ v_{\grave{z}} = \\ & - R \sin B \sin\alpha \cos\beta \\ & + R \cos B \sin \beta \end{aligned} $$

On the other hand, $\tilde{z}$-component of vector $\vec{v}$ is equal to zero. It means that

$$ \sin\alpha = \frac{\tan\beta}{\tan B} \tag{2} $$

The exact ratio applies to $\beta$ angle:

Spherical triangle
Fig. 5 - Spherical triangle.

$$ \sin \beta = \frac{\tan \alpha} {\tan A }\tag{3} $$

Other Equations

We have set the main equations for spherical triangles:

$$ \begin{cases} \cos \gamma = \cos \alpha \cos\beta \\ \sin \alpha = \tan\beta/ \tan B \\ \sin \beta = \tan\alpha/ \tan A \end{cases} $$

All the rest is just a consequence of these three equations.

First, let's multiply $(1)$ by $(2)$, and we will get

$$ \cos \gamma = \frac{1} {\tan A\tan B} \tag{4} $$

Now, let's consider $\sin^2 \gamma$:

$$ \begin{aligned} \sin^2 \gamma & = 1 - \cos^2 \gamma \\\ & = \cos^2\alpha + \sin^2\alpha - \cos^2\alpha \cos^2\beta \\\ & = \sin^2\alpha + \cos^2\alpha \sin^2\beta \end{aligned} $$

Similarly, we can write

$$ \sin^2\gamma = \sin^2\beta + \cos^2\alpha \sin^2\beta\tag{5} $$

Now, let's divide both sides of the equation by $\cos^2(\gamma)$:

$$ \begin{aligned} \tan^2\gamma & = \tan^2\alpha \frac {1} {\cos^2\beta} + \tan^2\beta \\ & = \tan^2\beta \tan^2A + \sin^2\alpha\tan^2B \\ & = \sin^2\alpha\tan^2B \left[ \tan^2A + 1\right] \\ & = \frac{\sin\alpha \tan B } {\cos A} \end{aligned} $$

which gives

$$ \sin\gamma = \frac{\sin\alpha} {\sin A}\tag{6} $$

With the same approach, we get from the equation $(5)$

$$ \sin\gamma = \frac{\sin\beta} {\sin B}\tag{7} $$

This equality

$$ \frac{\sin\alpha} {\sin A} = \frac{\sin\beta} {\sin B} $$

is also called the sine theorem.

Now from $(3)$ it follows

$$ \sin A = \frac{\tan\alpha} {\sin\beta}\cos A $$

If we sunstitude $\sin A$ from $(6)$ we will get

$$ \cos A = \frac{\cos\alpha\sin\beta}{\sin\gamma}\tag{8} $$


$$ \cos A = \frac{\tan\beta} {\tan\gamma}\tag{9} $$

In a similar manner from (2) follows that

$$ \cos B = \frac{\tan\alpha} {\tan\gamma}\tag{10} $$

If we substitute (8) with (7), we will get

$$ \cos A = \sin B \cos\alpha\tag{11} $$


$$ \cos B = \sin A \cos\beta\tag{12} $$

Bottom Line

We have derived a set of handy equations necessary for calculating the primary directions. Here is the recap of what we got

Spherical triangle
Fig. 5 - Spherical triangle.

$$ \begin{gather} \gamma, \alpha, \beta: & \cos\gamma = \cos\alpha\cos\beta\tag{1}\\\ \alpha, \beta, B: & \tan\beta = \sin\alpha \tan B\tag{2}\\\ \beta, \alpha, A: & \tan \alpha = \sin \beta \tan A \tag{3}\\\ \gamma, A, B: & \cos \gamma = \frac{1} {\tan A\tan B} \tag{4}\\\ \gamma, \alpha, A: & \sin\alpha = \sin\gamma \sin A\tag{6}\\\ \gamma, \beta, B: & \sin\beta = \sin\gamma \sin B\tag{7}\\\ A, \beta, \gamma: & \tan\beta = \cos A \tan\gamma\tag{9}\\\ B, \alpha, \gamma: & \tan\alpha = \cos B \tan\gamma\tag{10}\\\ A, B, \alpha: & \cos A = \sin B \cos\alpha\tag{11}\\\ B, A, \beta: & \cos B = \sin A \cos\beta\tag{12} \end{gather} $$

Mark Rusborn

Mark Rusborn

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