Mark Rusborn (Alexei Borealis)

BlogAdvanced Astrology
Mark Rusborn

April 3, 2023, 4:35 p.m. Mark Rusborn 4 min. to read

Hello. My name is Alexei Borealis, born Alexei Avakyan, and I am the founder of this international school. I often use my pseudonym Mark Rusborn, as I have written many books under this name.

I am a Russian astrologer, author of books, textbooks, and scientific articles [1-6], and one of the editors of AstroWiki. For many years, I have been leading this astrology school. My main specialization is forecasting precise events that are easily verifiable.

It is commonly believed that astrology cannot make precise predictions. My task is to prove otherwise and teach the techniques of detailed future forecasting.

I adhere to a scientific approach to astrology - following the principles of logic and verification of predictions made. This is because I spent the first part of my life solely dedicated to science, under the guidance of the best scientists. I was fortunate to know leading experts of my time, including Nobel laureate in physics Brian Schmidt [7].

In this article, I provide brief information about my background and astrological activities.

Scientific background

  • Graduate of Kolmogorov Physics and Mathematics School
  • Former Soviet physicist (Physics Faculty of MSU, diploma, master of science).
  • In the early 2000s, I worked on PhD [8] at the Australian National University.
  • Holder of two prestigious scholarships (G. Soros and Vice-Chancellor of Australia [8]).

Astrological education

  • Graduate of John Frawley's School of Astrology with the title of QHС - Qualified Horary Craftsman, certificate.
  • Graduate of Robert Zoller's School of Astrology with the title of CMA, Certified in Medieval Astrology, certificate.

Psychological education

  • Diploma (Master of Science) in psychology specializing in Erickson's hypnosis, diploma.
  • Participant in a three-year training program for psychotherapists in the field of process-oriented psychotherapy, with a variety of certificates (PWI, Zurich, Switzerland, certificate scans).
  • Participant in short-term qualification enhancement programs:
    • Clinical and therapeutic hypnosis, Antonio Carreiro International University, Brazil, certificate.
    • Neurobiology, University of Chicago, USA (online course from the Department of Medicine and Neurobiology at the University of Chicago, USA, certificate).

Despite having a basic knowledge of psychology, I discontinued the psychological practice, as it is not compatible with the work as a predicting astrologer."

Main Astrological Activities

  • On a weekly basis, I conduct supervisions for practicing astrologers in Russian language, and make forecasts at least once a week in small student groups.
  • For the last several years, I haven't consulted clients directly and have focused solely on supervising practicing astrologers and passing on knowledge.
  • Occasionally, I provide expert comments to journalists, which differ significantly from commonly accepted views. My goal is to show that astrology is not what it is commonly believed to be in the modern world.

Most of my activities are in opposition to the modern mainstream. I try to avoid creating fundamentally new "authorial techniques". Instead, I focus on restoring forgotten techniques. I order antique books (or their online scans) from various parts of the world - from university libraries, private collections, etc. Then I translate ancient texts from the 16th and 17th centuries (the heyday of prognostic astrology in Europe, when it was a university discipline) and search for working techniques.

I criticize many statements made by ancient and modern astrologers until I find convincing evidence that a particular forecasting technique can produce satisfactory results.

It is the techniques, rules, and algorithms discovered by me that form the basis of astrology courses.


You can email me at

Links and Bibliography

  1. Mercurius Trismegistus Liber de Sapientia et Potestate Dei, Moscow: Linad Publishing, 2020 — 302 pp. — ISBN 978-5-9710-7170-9, translated from Latin
  2. Forbidden Art. Self-Teaching Guide to Horary Astrology, Moscow: Doctor Gaspar, 2010. — 302 pp. — ISBN 978-5-904096-04-5
  3. Horary Astrology and Psychotherapy, Moscow: IP Borealis A.N., 2018. — 432 pp. — ISBN 978-5-6041142-0-9
  4. The White Book. How to Start Living Life the Way You Want, Moscow: Medkov, 2015. — 160 pp. — ISBN 978-5-9903102-4-7
  5. Methodical Guide "Methods of the Mark Rusborn School of Astrology", Moscow: IP Borealis A.N., 2017. — ISBN 978-5-4472-6546-4-7
  6. Gravitational Field of a Flat Scalar Wave, Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol 118, No 2, 1999 (Source)
  7. Brian Schmidt, American and Australian astrophysicist, Nobel Prize laureate in physics 2011
  8. Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics - Annual Report 2001, paragraph 8 (Link to University Report, Local copy)
  9. British astrologer John Frawley
  10. Robert Zoller, American astrologer and translator of ancient texts

Publications in Professional Journals

Mark Rusborn

Mark Rusborn

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